Our Vision
Our vision is a peaceful Afghanistan, without violence and discrimination against women and children where there is a way for participation and prosperity.
Our Mission
Advocacy for changing public mind to accept human rights, and gender equality by media programs, local shuras, raising awareness and building capacity of people, especially women, In the upcoming years, the organization has in account to design and prepare projects for, supporting and enhancing democracy of Afghanistan, supporting women and Youths leadership advocacy for elimination of violence against women, and children with the support of community.
Our Goals
- Promoting income-generating projects, NAWA wants to support poor communities through vocational training programs to become self-sufficient;
- Assist communities and efforts leading to self-help and ultimately self-reliance;
- Improve the economic status of under-served people through the initiation of suitable skills and Leadership training programs;
- Participate in the rehabilitation and development of education;
- Help people to have access health and education facilities;
- Increase the level of knowledge and literacy among the illiterate women and to raise awareness on their rights so they can defend their rights;
- Work for ending violence against women and children in the families and in the society;
Our Mandate
As a voluntary sector, non-profit NGO, NAWA’s Mandate provides the essential guidelines for the Organization’s community development interventions in accordance with its mission.
- To carry out programmatic interventions to lead to community mobilization, empowerment, participation and local resource mobilization at the grassroots level;
- To carry out interventions that promote sustainable development practices, gender awareness, poverty alleviation and human rights aspects;
- To assist communities in efforts leading to self-help and ultimately self-reliance;
- In participation with various stakeholders, to support efforts aimed at promoting health and education development and income generating activities for the uplifting of the socio-economic status of communities;
- To provide support for infrastructure development projects/programs based on the communities needs assessed;